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Festivalpark Werchter Belgium


Goldband is the Netherlands’ most Belgian group. Two sold-out Sportpaleis shows attest to that. Milo Driessen, Karel Gerlach and De Het Boaz have known each other since they were 13 and like to pretend they are plasterers. That’s where the name comes from: Goldband is a brand of gypsum plaster used for interior walls and ceilings. ‘Noodgeval’ (2021) was the first domino. A year later, they sold out the Lotto Arena twice in twenty minutes and were the first Dutch act to score the treble: Pukkelpop + Rock Werchter + Tomorrowland. Their response: “Belgium, you are absolutely CRAZY!” Boaz has earned a place of honour in Werchter’s extensive history book. In 2022, he misjudged a jump from the main stage, leading to a broken heel, a cast for 10 weeks, and some very memorable images. Time for another Werchter adventure in 2025.