Mother Mother
In just a couple of weeks, in October 2020, Mother Mother’s ‘Hayloft’ skyrocketed from 100,000 to 1 million streams. Not half bad. The song by the Canadian band around brother and sister Ryan and Molly Guldemond had actually been around since 2008. But TikTok became their great breakthrough. The bouncy indie rock hooks of ‘Hayloft’ – and by extension, of the debut album ‘O my heart’ (2008) – struck a chord with a new generation of listeners. What’s more, the effect has had staying-power. After being at it for 15 years, Mother Mother was able to reap major success. The second album ‘INSIDE’ (2021) went gold in the USA and platinum in Canada. And the group can be found at all the leading festivals in Europe and both North and South America. Meanwhile, ‘Hayloft’ has long-since surpassed half a billion streams…