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Festivalpark Werchter Belgium


Neo-cabaret is his term to describe his work. His stories cover any number of subjects. But then with the rhythm, melody and influences that come straight from his original inspiration: hiphop. The artist Jonas Van Langendonck, explains his stage name as the result of a typical Leuven habit of affectionately bending first names. Jonas thus becomes Jokke. His career was boosted by a place as a finalist in Studio Brussel’s selection De Nieuwe Lichting in 2022. As a dedicated singer he hopes to inspire others with his stories and life lessons from his young years. He had the chance to present his debut album ‘Verzamelwoede’ (2024) at the AB in Brussels, which was “jam-packed with friends from the world, loudly singing along to my self-written lyrics from start to finish”. 17,000 followers on TikTok can’t be wrong!

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